Amazonite, kunzite, turquoise & amethyst 108 bead mala

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  • Regular price £120.00
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Amazonite, amethyst, kunzite & turquoise mala with silk tassel & handmade Navajo Native American Indian sterling silver guru bead. Hand knotted on purple silk while reciting the Ganesha mantra for prosperity & removing obstacles.

Amethyst is known as the master healing stone. It helps to relieve stress & strain, soothe irritability, balance mood swings, dispel anger, rage, fear, & anxiety. As well as alleviating sadness & grief, while warding against negativity. Amethyst opens & activates the third eye & crown chakras, opening intuition & promoting spiritual awareness.

Amazonite soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry & fear. Helps to dispel negative energy, aggravation & blockages within the nervous system.

Turquoise helps to balance all the chakras & is excellent for depression & exhaustion, it may also help prevent panic attacks. Turquoise promotes self-realisation & assists creative problem solving.

Kunzite is a stone of emotion, opening & connecting the heart to the mind, & stimulating a healing communion between the two.

The stones in this mala were hand picked to open & clear all the chakras, & to help balance the Vishudda, (throat), Ajna (third eye), & Sahasrara (crown), chakras.

22” long (to end of tassel)

To avoid damaging the silk, try not to get your mala wet.