Balinese cowry shell silver cuff

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  • Regular price £350.00
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Balinese handcrafted silver cuff bracelet adorned with a white cowry shell from the beautiful beaches of Bali. 
Featiring the classic silver work of Balinese master artisans, this bracelet features some lovely examples of granulation.


Balinese metal smiths have always been held in awe. The word ‘pandai’ means both ‘smith’ and ‘clever’. A group of smiths from Singaraja, in the North part of the Island, trace their line back before the immigration of the Majapahit Javanese. Another clan of smiths consider themselves direct descendants of Brahma, the fiery Hindu God. The symbolic importance of precious metals in Hindu cosmology is reflected in the belief that the triple peaks of Mt. Meru, the abode of the Gods and the center of the world, are made of gold, silver and iron.